Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true
or false.
| 1. | John
gives more importance to facts than to human relationships.
| 2. | God
sent His Son into the world to condemn it.
| 3. | Ritual, including time and place of worship, was important to the Jews.
| 4. | The
Samaritan woman’s part in the “Revival at Sychar” was important.
| 5. | Jesus
required the man at the Pool of Bethesda to have faith before he could be healed.
| 6. | In
John 4:12, Jesus refers to His body as a temple.
| 7. | Capernaum was the hometown of Philip, Andrew and Peter.
| 8. | It
was Andrew who said, “Thou hast the words of eternal life.”
| 9. | John
tried to keep his disciples from following Jesus.
| 10. | Concerning John 3:3-5, the term “water” in verse 5 is most probably a
reference to Christian baptism even though it was not instituted until later at
| 11. | The
term “living water” represents the Holy Spirit.
| 12. | The
unbelieving Jews objected to Jesus’ saying that He came down from heaven.
| 13. | Jesus
was angry because the Jews had made His Father’s House a house of merchandise.
| 14. | John
Chapter 6 records Jesus healing a sick man at the Pool of Bethesda.
| 15. | John
teaches that Jesus is in-dwelt and empowered by God’s own Spirit, and God has entrusted
everything into Jesus’ hands.
| 16. | Trust
and obedience is required for one to be saved.
| 17. | To
enter the Kingdom of Heaven is to surrender to the Leadership of Christ and thus enter the state of
grace and the realm of salvation.
| 18. | Jesus
never claimed that His work and His Father’s work was one and the same.
| 19. | The
Jewish leaders rejected Jesus’ claims to authority as the Son of God.
| 20. | “Entering the Kingdom” means receiving salvation, and “born again”
is an essential condition for it.
| 21. | The
Jews understood the meaning of Jesus’ statement, “The bread which I will give is My
| 22. | When
Jesus said, “A prophet has no honor in his own country”, He was speaking of Nazareth, for
in general, the Galileans received Him well.
| 23. | When
Jesus saw the crowds coming to Him, He was delighted, for it meant His success as a
| 24. | Jesus
implied that had the Jews known God as they should have, they would have recognized Him for who He
| 25. | Jesus
said that His words were spirit and life.
| 26. | Jesus
never said that He could do nothing of Himself, but did only what He saw the Father
| 27. |
Beasley-Murray believes: “In John 3:5 it is the occasion when the Spirit gives to faith the
regeneration that qualifies for the kingdom.”
| 28. | Jesus
gives us a fuller revelation of what God is than that which the prophets were able to
| 29. | God
has from the foundation of the world picked out certain ones to be saved, and only these are drawn to
| 30. | In
John 5:25, the term “dead” refers to those who are physically dead.
| 31. |
“Christians are meant to be ‘springs of living water,’ not mere
| 32. | John
Chapter 5 records the rage of the Jews who accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath.
| 33. | Jesus’ baptism is recorded in John Chapter 1.
| 34. | Under
Jewish Law, the witness of one person was inadmissible.
| 35. | “Incarnation” can be defined as “Deity housed in a human
| 36. | Peter
led his brother Andrew to Jesus.
| 37. | The
Jewish leaders were the chief enemies of Jesus.
| 38. | In
John Chapter 7, the Jews were amazed at the teaching and scholarship of Jesus.
| 39. | Jesus
performed miracles for 2 reasons: either to meet a human need, or to increase people’s
| 40. | It is
generally agreed by Bible scholars that the Feast of Tabernacles lasted for 8 days.
| 41. | It is
generally accepted by Bible scholars, that John lived longer than any of the other
| 42. | To be
“born again” and “born of water and spirit” refer to the immersion in water of
the penitent believer.
| 43. | The
right of judging all men has been given to Jesus that they may honor Him as they honor the
| 44. | “Much water” is significant because it denotes that the mode of baptism was
| 45. | The
Pharisees believed that no good could come out of Galilee.
| 46. | God
who provided a remedy for the snake-bitten Israelites, has also provided a remedy for sin-ridden,
dying man.
| 47. | John’s Gospel is sometimes called “The Gospel of Love.”
| 48. | The
Pharisees were a strict, legalistic religious sect.
| 49. | One
of the most important decisions a person is called upon to make is this: whether or not he
wills to do God’s will.
| 50. | In
John Chapter 4, Jesus says that a man must be born of water and spirit to enter the kingdom of
| 51. | The
Passover was the most important of the Jewish feasts.
| 52. | It is
generally accepted that the Book of John was the first Gospel to be written.
| 53. | God
enables and sets free, rather than condemns and enslaves.
| 54. | John
3:16 has been called “the golden text of the Bible.”
| 55. | In
John Chapter 7, “living water” refers to the Holy Spirit.
| 56. | John
the Baptist’s mission was to be a “forerunner” of the Messiah.
| 57. | The
New Covenant came into force prior to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
| 58. | Jesus
set the terms of salvation for the people of His time when He said, “He who hears My word and
believes on Him who sent Me... has passed from death into life.”
| 59. | In
this Gospel, John refers to himself as “the Apostle whom Jesus loved.”
| 60. | He
who believes on Christ is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already under
| 61. | In
the Gospel of John, Nicodemus is only mentioned in chapter three.
| 62. | John
the Baptist baptized in the Sea of Galilee near Bethany.
| 63. | John
2:1-3 teaches that Jesus was involved in planning and creating the universe.
| 64. | As
the Son of God, Jesus had none of the physical limitations which afflict the ordinary
| 65. | It is
probable that the Passover Feast was the event that caused Jesus to visit Jerusalem in John Chapter
| 66. | Jesus
approved of those who sought honor from men rather than God.
| 67. | Jesus
brought attention to the Jewish leaders plot to kill Him in order to win the sympathy of the
| 68. | The
“Sea of Tiberias” is another name for the “Sea of Galilee.”
Multiple Choice
Identify the
letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
| 69. | Where
did Peter’s mother-in-law live? a. | Bethsaida | c. | Capernaum | b. | Bethany | d. | Cana | | | | |
| 70. | Jesus’ words, “This is the work of God, to believe on Him whom He hath
sent.” are found in John Chapter _____.
| 71. | Which
chapter records Nicodemas meeting Jesus?
| 72. | Which
chapter records Jesus walking on the water to the disciples during a storm?
| 73. | At
the wedding in Cana, Jesus told the servants to fill _____ large water pots to the brim with
| 74. | Which
chapter records “The Feeding of the Five Thousand”?
| 75. | Which
chapter closes with these words, “If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote
about Me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I
| 76. | Where
is Jacob’s Well located? a. | Capernaum | c. | Bethsaida | b. | Bethany | d. | Sychar | | | | |
| 77. | Which
chapter records a wedding in Cana?
| 78. | What
is the hometown of Philip, Andrew, and Peter? a. | Bethany | c. | Nazareth | b. | Capernaum | d. | Bethsaida | | | | |
| 79. | Which
chapter records these words, “Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the
| 80. | Which
chapter records this verse, “Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’?
I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for
| 81. | Jesus
claims to be “The Bread of Life” in John Chapter _____.
| 82. | Jesus
attended the Feast of Tabernacles in John Chapter _____.
| 83. | Which
Old Testament book records Moses raising a bronze serpent on a pole? a. | Exodus | c. | Numbers | b. | Leviticus | d. | Deuteronomy | | | | |
| 84. | Healing the nobleman’s son was the _____ miracle performed by Jesus in
Cana. a. | First | c. | Third | b. | Second | d. | Fourth | | | | |
| 85. | Which
chapter records Jesus healing a sick man at the Pool of Bethesda?
| 86. | Which
chapter closes with a prediction that Judas Iscariot would betray Jesus?
| 87. | Jesus
refers to Moses lifting up a serpent in the wilderness in John Chapter _____.
| 88. | Which
chapter records Jesus clearing the temple?
| 89. | In
which chapter does John refer to Jesus as “The Word”?
| 90. | What
does the name Cephas” mean? a. | Solid Bedrock | c. | A Stone | b. | Large
Mountain | d. | Boulder | | | | |
| 91. | Which
chapter records Jesus’ meeting the woman of Samaria at Jacob’s Well?
| 92. | The
Gospel of John takes almost _____ of the entire Gospel to give a detailed account of the last weeks
of Jesus’ life.
| 93. | Jesus’ words, “Except you eat of My flesh and drink of My blood, you have no
life in you.” are found in John Chapter _____.
| 94. | Who
asked, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”? a. | Philip | c. | Andrew | b. | Peter | d. | Nathanael | | | | |
| 95. | Who
said, “To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.”? a. | James | c. | Andrew | b. | John | d. | Peter | | | | |
| 96. | Which
chapter records Jesus healing the critically ill son of a nobleman from Capernaum?
| 97. | Which
chapter records the verse, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”
| 98. | Which
chapter records this verse, “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed,
the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal
| 99. | Which
chapter records this verse, “..I am the bread of life, he who comes to Me will never go hungry,
and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty.”?
| 100. | Who
spoke these words, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but
how far will they go among so many?”? a. | Peter | c. | Philip | b. | John | d. | Andrew | | | | |